Thursday 6 January 2011

Research, documentation…and a little justification.

Since Herge often used photos and news clippings to give his art an accurate feel, what if we put the Syldavian uniform in context?  Well, if we examine several contemporary uniforms we see a great deal of similar equipment and styles. (From top: Polish, Belgian, Swiss, Hungarian.)


On a fully “kitted out” soldier we see, in addition to the uniform: a waist belt with an average of 4 to 6 leather ammo pouches, straps (crossing the chest) for the ubiquitous “bread bag” and canteen.

Seeing all of this I feel it is acceptable to add items of equipment to our kit (assuming of course that the items in question are appropriate to the era).  With that in mind, what follows is my proposed equipment list for a Syldavian soldier of the period.  Explantions and justifications to follow the list.

1) Helmet
2) Coat, uniform, wool.
4) Trousers, straight leg, wool.
5) Shirt, white linen/wool/cotton pull over without a collar, closed by 3 to 5 small buttons on the front.
6) Boots, field service, black/brown
7) Fez with insignia
8) “bread bag”
9) Belt, made of leather, stitched with roller buckle, black/brown
10) Mess kit, with knife, fork & spoon
11) Canteen with cup and cover
12) Magazine pouches
13) Rifle
14) Bayonet, with scabbard

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